Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday Thoughts [my apologies]

First apology- Sorry that the blog has been quiet lately. I have been super busy auditioning, and getting some new Zumba classes going; and then there's my life... Working 55-60 hours a week plus working out and finding time to hang out with friends and Joel... Yea you could say that's a little busy in and of itself.

Second apology- Sorry I haven't been diligently taking pictures of my food! I have actually made some healthy meals lately [along with some not so healthy desserts], but I have been too lazy to go step by step and get all the pictures. I will be better! I swear!

Third apology- I'm sorry to my diet. Though I exercise diligently, I have not been as diligent when it comes to my diet, and I know that nice looking abs [which are my next goal] are in large part a result of good eating. So shame on me. And that bag of white chocolate chips that I polished off last night... Whoops did I just say that out loud? At least I'm holding myself accountable? Right?

Ok, enough with the apologies. I think I've covered all my bases. I know you have all missed my wittiness [ha] and snarky comments, so no fear, they will return!

Tomorrow we're going to talk about my insane love/hate relationship with Pinterest. Mostly about how I love it. Well, the inspiration I get from it, not so much how much time I waste on it... Anywho! Stay tuned!

Oh and see, these are just examples of how bad I have been to my diet- chocolate chip shortcake with cool whip, and you guessed it, more homemade peanut butter...

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