Thursday, August 2, 2012

Delish Fish! [Tacos that is]

I get into these patterns [I won't call them ruts because I don't get bored of them] where all I want is a certain type of food. [I'm sure Joel does get bored with them though, haha] Most recently it has been any Mexican inspired cuisine. Enter my craving for tacos. But not your boring everyday tacos, GOOD tacos, seafood tacos. Since shrimp is rather expensive and I am almost positive I could never make a crawfish taco as good as Fuzzy's, it's got to be fish tacos!

And as I said I was inspired by my friend, Erin's, pineapple salsa. Just another amazing piece of this delicious journey. You can definitely say that my craving was satisfied.

So your pineapple salsa is tempting you in the fridge saying "Eat me! Eat me!". And if you're anything like me you can't ignore a delicious dish in the fridge... Let's go on then and make some fish tacos!

Just a little FYI- for this recipe I made just enough for Joel and I. If you're feeding a larger crowd I would suggest one piece of tilapia per person.

What you will need [Fish Tacos]:
2 pieces of tilapia (or other mild fish)
1 1/2 Tbs olive oil
1 tsp cumin
A bit of paprika
Garlic powder to taste
Smidgen of salt
Pepper to taste
[Don't you love my precise spice measurements?]
Whole grain tortillas
Monterey Jack cheese (for topping)
Sour cream (for topping)

1. I used the tilapia that comes in individual vacuum sealed freezer pouches. Can you say awesome? I love that we can take out just what we need and it's not all frozen together!

2. Once your fish is thawed, cut it into about 1/2 inch cubes- mine are definitely not perfect! But they cooked pretty evenly.

3. Toss the cubes with your spices and coat them all evenly. Like I said, I am oh so precise with my measurements, basically I put a little of this and that, smell it, when it smells good to you it will taste good!

4. Get your pan hot and add olive oil. I cooked the fish over med/high heat (a 6 on our stove)

5. Cook the fish through, it took me a little less than 10 minutes.

6. Remove the fish from the heat, serve on warm tortillas. Top with cheese, sour cream and of course your amazing pineapple salsa!

This meal is so light- it's the perfect summer dish in my mind. The pineapple salsa was not too heavy on top of something with such a mild flavor as tilapia. To top it off, this is a great week night meal if you make the salsa before hand. It took us less than 30 minutes to put it together, and it was delicious!

If you like fish, look forward to more healthy fish dishes because now I have like 6 more fillets in the freezer!!


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