Saturday, August 4, 2012

Angel Food Cupcakes

I think I said this in my welcome post, but just to reiterate- I have a HUGE sweet tooth.  That makes keeping my calorie consumption under control rather difficult sometimes.  Enter angel food cake.  The perfect low calorie, no fat, but still sweet dessert.  AND I found out that they have a box mix for angel food cake.  It is so easy to make: all you do is add water!

So keeping with the simple theme, I made the angel food into cupcakes, topped with cool whip and fresh strawberries.  Can you say yum? I can, and did... many times.  As in "oh my gosh Joel these are so good. No I mean like really good.  These are so yummy!" Something like that.

So first thing first, dump your box mix and water into a bowl and mix it with your beaters...

 ...until it looks like this ^  Then prep your cupcake pan by putting in liners- I would say they are a must for this kind of cupcake, it can get really sticky!
Spoon in the batter into the cups, I put a little too much in these, they poofed up and over.  So I would suggest putting in a little less!

Put them in the oven at 325 for 18 minutes, then pull out these amazing looking delectibles!

Is your mouth watering? Mine was! You're almost done with this really simple dessert! When the cupcakes are cool, top with cool whip and fresh cut strawberries.

Ta Da! Easy, Sweet, low calorie, Satisfying. What more can you ask for?

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