Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Squashing the Snack Monster

My downfall.... Snacking. Dun dun duuuuuuuunnn... Yup, this is my constant problem, to this day, when I start snacking, I can't stop. So part of the solution is to eat healthier snacks, the other is self control. [still working on that one...]

To start this story you must learn about my recent addiction, love, obsession, call it what you will.  Four words: Home. Made. Peanut. Butter.  It is ah-mazing. I have made a batch of this stuff every week for the last 3 weeks, because yes we do eat it all. And by we I mean me. With a spoon. Every night. It is that good. What's that you say? That sounds like it must be difficult? Nope, not even. It takes 5 minutes and 16 oz. of honey roasted peanuts. 

All you do is put your peanuts in the food processor and process them for 5 minutes. Easy peasy. And the results, omg, the results are delicious. If you don't sit there eating it with a spoon like me, well don't tell me because obviously you have better self control, and well as previously addressed, that's my problem!

Ok, so back to healthy snacks.  I found this recipe for peanut butter granola on Pinterest [my love/hate relationship with which is a whole other story] and just HAD to make it using my ah-mazing home made peanut butter. So here we go!
1. Add your 2 Tbs peanut butter and 2 Tbs honey into a sauce pan.

3. Get them nice and melty- yummmm :)
4. While it's hot mix in 1/4 tsp each of vanilla extract and cinnamon.  Then add in 1 cup of rolled oats.
5.  Mix it up, evenly coating the oats.  Then spread on a baking sheet.
6. Stick them in the oven at 350 for 7-8 minutes.
And you have an amazing, delicious, healthy snack! [That is so much better for you than sitting there eating that homemade peanut butter with a spoon- because I guarantee you it is soooooo hard to stop!!]


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