Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Brunch: Egg Sandwiches

Who wants a healthy version of the classic egg and sausage sandwich?  I did this morning, so that's exactly what I made!  I'll go through, step by step and show you how I cut down on the calories along the way!

Let's start off with some reduced fat sausage and shape into patties.  Pop them down in a hot skillet with just a little drizzle of olive oil.  Now while you're cooking your patties, don't let them burn on the bottom like I did while trying to take the perfect picture of your patties cooking in the pan...
They were still good! I just got a little distracted trying to adjust the lighting on my shots and well.. this happened. Any who.

While those are cooking take some sandwich or bagel thins [I used sandwich thins] that are only 100 calories [!!!] and put just a little bit of shed's spread, or I can't believe it's not butter, whatever your poison is, on the inside and lay them out on a baking sheet.
Put those in the oven at 350 to get them warm and crispy.

When the sausage is done and the thins are in the oven, I sauteed some mushroom slices to add on the sandwich. Just because, they are yummy!

Golden, mushroom, perfection. They add a very nice touch to the typical egg and sausage sandwich. 

Check on your thins, if they are looking nice and golden, add a little cheese and flip on the broiler- but be warned! Once the broiler is on it takes less than 2 minutes for them to be done- yup, you guessed right, again I learned my lesson the hard way.

But that's what you have me for! I'm not afraid to share my culinary missteps along with my victories, so that way you know what to expect along the way!

Ok, now the best part. Your scrambled eggs.  I love scrambled eggs, and I will say that I am somewhat of an expert, only because I learned from the master.  Yup, you guessed right it's my dad. But seriously, come eat my scrambled eggs and tell me they're not the best you've ever eaten. I dare you.  Now I will teach you how to cook them the right way- My way!

Melt just a little bit of butter in your pan over medium heat.  When the pan is nice and hot add in 3 eggs.
This is important- Do not scramble your eggs before putting them in the pan, just trust me, it will taste better this way!  Let the eggs start to cook, don't start scrambling them with your spatula yet.  Season them with a little salt and pepper and add your choice of cheese.  Today I used monterey jack, basically because that's what we had.
Ok, now you can start breaking the yokes of your eggs and mixing it up- but just a little bit.  The key is, the less you stir up your eggs the better they will be!
When your eggs look like this, they are done and if you've followed my advice, they will be magnificent!

Ok, so all your components are ready, let's start layering that sandwich. Eggs first.
Then your mushrooms.
Sausage last.
And your sandwich is complete.  You now have a delicious, homemade, lower calorie version of the classic egg and sausage sandwich.  It is very good stuff. 


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