Friday, August 24, 2012

My Inspiration

Pinterest. Can we talk about this please?

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I can find and pin all these different ideas, from clothes and boots to food and excercise tips to home decor and craft projects, all in one place. But let me throw a number out there for you- 2,351. That would be the number of pins that I have. And that should tell you something- I spend way too much time on Pinterest.

It has been a huge help and inspiration for me on my journey though. My board about healthy eating has been a lifesaver! It's saved me from food boredom [every weekend when Joel and I go to the store, I have at least one new recipe I want to try out] and it's also saved me from falling out of my routine of eating better. Without the new ideas, helpful tips, and great recipes for healthy foods that I've found through Pinterest, I never would have been able to get where I am with my weight loss.

That's why I love it so much! I mean I basically planned my wedding on there, found a million different DIY projects that should keep me going through, oh I don't know, just about every house I live in for the rest of my life, and have a place where I can put all the cute penguin stuff I find, go back and look at it and saw "awwww!!" a million times over.

But I told you I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. Let's discuss that.

I cannot go one day on there without pinning another cupcake, brownie, pie, crumble, cake [you catch my drift] recipe. Then I sit there on the weekends going hmmmm I want to bake something. I have all these recipes. But I can't possibly make one. Think of all the calories. But they look so good. It's just one batch of cupcakes.

No. It. Is. Torture.


It's an eternal struggle I love the site for everything it brings together and then let's you store all in one place. And then again I hate it for bringing me all these delicious baked goods that I can't allow myself to bake because I would undoubtedly weigh a million pounds after consuming them [and never be able to fit into all those adorable clothes I just pinned onto my Fashionable Finds board].

So here I am, inviting you to torment yourself with me! You can follow me on Pinterest, my name is just Lindsay Frye or you can just follow my healthy eating board so you don't have to suffer through all the internal battles about whether or not to make those birthday cake cinnamon rolls that I pinned this morning. Just throwing it out there!

Oh and before you go, just so you can understand the dichotomy of my boards, here's a few screenshots for you! Hope to see some of you on there soon!

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