Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jicama, Corn, Peach Salad

I am in love with this picture.  Can you say food porn? Oh yeah, that is soooo what this is. Right here. You love me, you know it.

Now jicama.  I was intrigued, but also a little scared of it.  I mean it's been a basket ingredient on Chopped more than once, so it comes off as slightly daunting...  But I also learned from Chopped that it works well in salsas and salads with other ingredients that are on the sweeter side.  So when I came across this recipe I knew it was perfect for my first little tango with the daunting jicama.

Let me tell you, this recipe did not disappoint.  I wasn't sure what to expect taking that first bite, so as I'm taking everything in the thought process goes from, ok this is good to, wow this is amazing!

Radishes, jicama, definitely not my normal go to foods.  Especially when paired with peaches, corn, and a cilantro honey lime dressing.  Now all those things on their own- awesome.  Put them together in this salad- amazing.

Right so making food... [exact measurements can be found in the link]
This is a jicama.
Kinda scary looking. No worries, you just need to peel it and it becomes much more friendly! So take you knife and go at it.
Ah. Much better.  Next I cut it into little matchstick size pieces.
Then I chopped up the rest of the ingredients.  Look at those peaches, how beautiful are they?! And I love how colorful everything is!

Then add them into a bowl with the corn.  Once again my corn dilemma.  I was so excited about corn on the cob... but the prices were insane so unfortunately we have canned here.  Although as far as the final product goes, this salad was still very tasty and I'm not sure there would have been a huge difference had I been able to get the corn on the cob and grill it.
Next I mixed up the ingredients in the dressing,  it has my favorite combo- cilantro and lime!
Then just mix it all together.
Toss to combine and refrigerate over night to allow all of the flavors to combine and get friendly.  Trust me it's worth the wait.
The next day you will have a delicious, light summer salad.  I'm in love with the combination of these flavors, they work so well together.  This will be my new go to for summer salad making for sure!
Jicama- not so daunting any more.  Very delicious, especially in an application like this.

And I feel more like an experienced foodie now that I have used a pretty unique ingredient with such success.  Maybe I should go on Chopped....

...maybe not. Till next time, 


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