Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hey Everyone! Welcome to my new blog! 

I want to start off by telling everyone a little bit about me- I'm 24 years old, live in Lewisville, TX, and currently work as a full time nanny for 3 kids (ages 18 mos, 4yrs, and 6yrs).  My job is stressful, tiring, and never has a dull moment, which is why when I come home I enjoy things like cooking, baking, and crafting, to relax me! And let's not forget my amazing fiance, Joel, who I cannot wait to marry this coming January!

You may want to know what has inspired me to write a blog about healthy eating.  Well, 9 months ago I weighed over 190 lbs, and I have now lost 45 lbs.  What started my transformation was my love for Zumba.  I went to my first class and fell in love with it- so much so that in February of 2012 I became a certified Zumba Fitness instructor.  I started off taking 3 classes a week and saw small changes, but what finally got me going on my weight loss journey was changing the way I eat.  The name of the game is portion control.  Yes, I cut out ice cream and chocolate, yes, I try to make healthier choices, but I am a HUGE believer in "everything in moderation". 

So I invite you guys to check out my adventures in the world of food (and maybe some other fun things from time to time).  See how I make substitutions in recipes for healthier items, and find ways to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings with things that won't bust your calorie budget! But don't be surprised if you see one or two evil little busters along the way!

Tonight Joel had a craving for pasta salad, so I decided to make this BLT Pasta Salad from the Food Network, with a few minor changes of course. 
1. I love onions, so this little addition is purely for my taste buds.  No added nutrition here, sorry folks!  I added half a red onion to the tomato and garlic mixture when sauteing it.
2. I used colorful pasta because... well.. it looks pretty.  Yup that's it.
3. This one is actually helpful here, bear with me!  I used turkey bacon instead of regular bacon because it's healthier, less fat.  And to make it even better I bake it in the oven at 375 for 15 minutes instead of frying it in a pan.  That way you still get the crispiness of pan fried bacon. 
 4. I used iceberg lettuce for it's crunch, because it's a pasta salad and I like my crunch.

5. The dressing for it has mayo and sour cream.  I used the light version of both to cut back some calories.  Trust me, it still tastes AH-mazing!
6. And there you have it. A delicious pasta salad that you can make to fit your needs. Just use a few substitutions and remember your portion sizes, and you're good to go!  Add one of Joel's amazing turkey burgers and you have an absolutely awesome Sunday night dinner.

Bon Apetit!

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