Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wacky Wednesday: Glitter Play-dough

Since I work with kids, I'm going to feature a fun project that I do with the kids on my "Wacky Wednesday" posts.  We're all kids at heart- so just admit, you know you will enjoy it and want to try these projects even if you don't have kids!!

Today's adventure is Glitter Play-dough! Thank you Pinterest, you have saved my charges from boredom on so many occasions (and saved me from three revolting children, running around like monkeys because they don't have something fun to do... Oh wait, they do that any way... Moving on).

I found the recipe here, and it is true to the claims.  I have tried many a play dough recipe and this is the closest to the actual play dough that I have come across (plus it's glittery and it smells good- what's not to love?). 

The kids had a blast making it! We doubled the recipe- First we mixed together the flour, water, salt, oil, and cream of tartar.

Then separated it into 5 bowls since we had 5 colors to add. We used kool aid for the colors since I figured hey, might as well smell good as well as look pretty!

And it really does smell ah-mazing!  Next we added glitter- lots and lots of glitter!

How fun is that? [I know you wish you were a kid so you could do this too- I say go ahead!! It's fun no matter what your age!]  Next you put it in a non stick pan over medium heat until you see the color darken and it look like, well, play dough.

Take it out of the pan and Ta-Da!! You have glitter play dough, and hours of endless fun!

Once they're all out and cooled, play away- just like regular play dough.  I'm serious this stuff is great, I am so glad I found this one!

I hope everyone enjoyed our little detour from food, and we'll see you tomorrow for some more healthy eats!

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