Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summery Salsa

I must give credit where credit where credit is due- my friend (and registered dietician) Erin, gave me the inspiration for this meal! She posted an extremely yummy looking picture on instagram of some amazing fish tacos. [you can follow me on instagram lindsay_loo0] So I asked her what she used to make them and adapted it to my liking.

I can't think of a more perfect summer dish than some nice, light fish tacos with a summery pineapple salsa! Doesn't that sound amazing? And I've had them so many times at Fuzzy's and most recently some ah-mazing ones at Greenhouse, I just had to figure out how to make some myself!

Today we will make our salsa for the tacos and tomorrow we will make the tacos themselves!

What you will need [salsa]:
1 large red bell pepper
1 small jalapeƱo
1/4 of a red onion
1 small can of pineapple chunks
1/4 of a bunch of cilantro
2 Tbs of lime juice

1. Let's get chopping!
You'll need to chop up your bell pepper, jalapeno, red onion, cilantro and pineapple. If you like a good amount of heat, don't seed your jalapeno- I did not, and the salsa had a definite kick.  If you want a little less heat, I reccomend seeding half of it.  Mild- seed the whole thing.  I think next time I will probably seed half of it.  I like heat, but that was a little bit much!

2.  Once everything is all chopped up, just mix it together!  I added 2 Tbs of the pineapple juice from the can and 2 Tbs of lime juice [to try to cut the heat a little bit.

3. And voila! You will have this deliciousness waiting for you!
4. I let all the flavors mingle and get to know each other for a few days in the fridge- 24 hours is probably sufficient, but trust me, letting it marinate made a huge difference! You taste just a single  piece of pineapple and you can taste all the other flavors of the salsa. It. Is. Spectacular.

So simple, so delicious, so much better for you because you made it yourself!  Tomorrow, I will finish off the the fish tacos and present you with this perfect dish of summer flavors! Enjoy!

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