Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Brunch: Raspberry Pancakes [Savoring Summer]

Sunday Brunch. Ever since I was little Sunday mornings were always family time.  My dad was the breakfast cook extraordinare.  Scrambled eggs, omelets, waffles, pancakes; they were all amazing.  Needless to say I always looked forward to Sunday mornings.  Even better were those Sunday mornings when I was home from college for the weekend- literally the best food I would eat all week, especially while living in the dorms and eating the hum drum dining hall cuisine [if you can call it cuisine...]. And then there were a couple years when I worked retail and my job required me being there bright and early on Sunday mornings to set ads. I had some serious Sunday brunch with drawls. Now that Joel and I both have jobs that give us the weekends off, we really enjoy having that special Sunday morning meal as a nice together time [and for me to pull out my culinary creativity]. 

Story time over :)

After our pretty long day of driving and sand volleyball yesterday..
We slept pretty late for us [9:45 am] and decided to have a nice yummy brunch.  Joel wanted pancakes, and I thought they would be delicious with some raspberries in there. I was right.

1. So I started off with you basic Bisquick mix pancakes [I was tired, forgive me] and then just added in a carton of raspberries.
2. Then I used a 1/4 cup measure to ladle the batter into the pan. 
3. A little helpful hint for making pancakes and for easy [mess free] pancake flipping- when the bubbles that form in the batter stay open you can tell it is time to flip.  And when you do flip them there will be no batter flying everywhere, just simple over and done, no mess and pretty pancakes!

4. Flip your pancakes to see this magnificence-

YUM! And they definitely were yum!

Happy Sunday Brunching!

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