Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Spinach Lasagna

If you ever are looking for some good food porn you need to get on Foodgawker. Oh. M. Geeeeeee. That's where I found this wonderful recipe.  The picture looked so good, I had no choice but to try it. 

[Don't worry we'll come back to that ah-mazing looking cauliflower another day!]

I made this on Sunday, and I am so craving a piece right now.  I just taught my first Zumba class at 24 Hr Fitness and I just want some carbs!!!  But no, I was good and had a piece of tilapia and some baked squash. [For once the evil craving monster has not defeated me, whoop whoop!]

And for some reason I've been avoiding whole wheat pasta for quite a while now.  You'll be proud to know I finally gave in and tried them with this recipe.  Amazingly, there was no huge difference in taste, so I've learned my lesson- whole wheat from now on.  Cross my heart and hope to die.  Not really.  [Did I actually just say that? Wow can you say flash back to the 90's...]

So this is supposedly a lighter spinach lasagna according to the recipe.  Maybe because it has no meat? I mean with all the cheesy goodness and layers of pasta... I'm just saying I'm not sure how light it is.  Don't get me wrong, it is delicious. And I am basically demanding that if you have never made a homemade lasagna [which I had not up until this one, more on that in a minute] you should do so. Now. With this recipe. You'll love it.  And it is so worth it.

So, yeah... First homemade lasagna.  This week has definitely given me some foodie credits, first the jicama, now this.  I mean, I knew the basics, having made lasagna with my mom before, but this one was all mine! And I am damn proud of it.

So I made just one pretty major change to the recipe.  We had a good 4-5 cups of fresh spinach leftover from something, so I decided to use it instead of the frozen spinach in the recipe.

I took off the stems, then rough chopped it.  If you make this lasagna, you should totally use fresh spinach.  The flavor is just so much better than frozen, and it really doesn't take that much more effort.  Just saying.
Oh. You need more than one jar of pasta sauce. I was frantically defrosting some leftover pizza sauce in the middle of throwing this together because I definitely ran out of sauce... It still tasted delicious though, even with the mix of sauces!

 Sprinkling with a little bit of extra mozzarella is a must!
 Just so you can see the layers I took this beauty-

Yup, that was my second slice. I'm bad. But that's why I Zumba!


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