Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Avocado + Bacon = Perfection

So by now you've figured out how much I love my Mexican inspired dishes.  Here's another one that you'll be sure to enjoy.

Oh, and how much I love avocados. I see a recipe with avocado in it and I automatically must make it.  Avocado cream this, avocado dressing that, an avocado tomatillo salsa you say? Oh I am so there.  So this dish with a bean salad AND an avocado salad on top of a tostada you say? Don't mind if I do. 
The avocado salad part was absolutely amazing.  The chunks of avocado with a simple dressing of lime juice, EVOO, cilantro and green onions- sublime.  It was so creamy and mouthwatering. And with a side of that jicama salad that I made previously... that was one delicious dinner.

Enough of the reminiscing about the drooling... and maybe drooling a little bit more now because I am definitely hungry at the moment...

This is my adaptation of the recipe I linked to above.  We shall call it amazing.  Haha, no, just kidding, these are Avocado and Bean salad Tostadas.

You will need:
2 avocados
1/2 bunch cilantro
3 green onions
3 T lime juice
salt and pepper to taste
8 slices turkey bacon
2 T canola oil
3 T rice wine vinegar
1 T honey
1 T dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste
2 jalapenos, seeded, finely chopped
1 can black beans
1 can red kidney beans

To get your avocados into nice little cubes, just make a checkerboard pattern on each half of the avocado with your knife then scoop out with a spoon- like so-

Perfect!  Then mix the avocados with EVOO, lime juice, cilantro, and green onions.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Let it marinate in the fridge about 30 minutes.

Bake your turkey bacon in the oven on 400 for about 15 minutes to get it nice and crisp.  Then chop it up into strips.

Combine the canola oil, rice wine vinegar, honey, mustard, and salt and pepper to make a vinaigrette. Then combine with the jalapeno, beans, and bacon.
Can you say yum?

This is a great light dinner! All that's left to do is to mix it up and layer on your tostada.

[insert clouds opening up and angels singing here]

Yup it's avocados so of course it's that good!


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