Sunday, September 9, 2012

The most AMAZING salad EVER

It's true.  You think I'm exaggerating, I know.  But this is no lie.  This salad was so freaking awesome that I have been buzzing with excitement about it for close to 24 hours now.  And I couldn't wait to share it with you!

This is the story of what happens when I get to go to the farmers market, get tons and tons of fresh produce, and proceed to attempt to cram it all into one meal. [and I got pretty close, I included everything except the green beans, but still have a ton of all the ingredients left]

So the farmer's market = Awesomeness.  I have to find one in Lewisville because I will get my butt out of bed early on a Saturday morning in order to get some delicious fresh produce, I just don't want to drive to Denton and back and then drive back up there for Zumba. [I think there's a hash-tag that would fit here well? #firstworldproblems. LOL]  We got a quart of cherry tomatoes- that I was just popping in my mouth and eating while cooking last night- 5 summer squash, 3 huge zucchinis, 4 ears of corn, and a whole big bunch of green beans. 
On a side note, I was actually taking these pictures on the coffee table because natural light is just so much prettier than a flash. No matter how you bounce it and soften it, sometimes it's still so harsh.  So yes.  I am a weird foodie who was sitting on the couch slicing summer squash on the coffee table. Just so I could have natural light.
Oh and I bought a new cutting board that is going to look so much prettier in my pictures! Woo hoo!
And this piece of squash looks like an African tribal mask in the seeds. Yes? I mean you see it right, I'm not crazy right?  Well, I see it....
As I was making this salad I was way too excited for someone making a salad.  But it wasn't like eating a salad, it was like eating something savory, yummy, filling... It was just awesome.  Don't doubt the power of this salad. 
And I realized after I was halfway through making it that I didn't think of what kind of dressing it would have.  Crud. So I'm thinking, well I've never made a vinagrette without a recipe, but surely it can't be too hard.  And really it wasn't.  Honey mustard vinagrette.  How delicious does that sound?
At this point I'm bouncing around the kitchen [which, let's be honest, is pretty hard considering the size of our kitchen, but I'm doing it] I'm just that excited for a salad. What?? It still just sounds so wrong.
Oh and there's corn.  Beautiful, yellow, sweet corn.  Roasted in the oven on 375 for 25-30 minutes, with the husk on, and it's perfect [so much easier than boiling].

And then you cut it off the cob and it's almost impossible to resist eating right then and there off the cutting board it's so freaking good.
So I'm mixing all the vegetables together and tossing them with the dressing, and practically exploding with the excitement of eating this salad.  And it doesn't help that the only thing I'd eaten since breakfast was a cereal bar and it is now almost 8 pm.  So yes excited is an understatement.
And Joel pulls the steak out from under the broiler. Ahhhhhh [angels singing].  And my mouth is watering.  Funny side note, Joel is solely responsible for the steak because my words were this exactly- "I don't know what to do with it, I don't do meat." Yup, I just eat it.
It was perfect, the most tender, perfectly juicy steak ever cooked at home. The word love does not begin to describe.
And voila. Food.  Amazing, delectable, salad.  The. Best. Salad. Ever. Period. The. End.

Sauteed Summer Squash Salad with Roasted Corn and Steak [with Honey Mustard Vinagrette]
2 T honey mustard
2 T olive oil
3 T rice wine vinegar
1/2 t crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 t paprika
salt and pepper to taste

Combine ingredients in bowl.  Whisk to combine. Set aside.

Romaine lettuce
3 small summer squash
1 large zucchini
2 ears corn
handful cherry tomatoes
1 bunch green onions
1 clove garlic minced
flank steak

Cut up your veggies.  Sautee the summer squash and zucchini with garlic and just enough oil to coat the pan.  Just get them soft, you don't want soggy veggies in your salad.  Roast your corn as directed above and cut it off the cob.  Let the corn and squash mixture cool to room temp. 

Have someone that "does meat" give your steak a rub, sear it, and broil it in the oven about 8 minutes per side with tin foil on top.  Let the steak rest before cutting it into strips. 

Combine all the veggies, lettuce, green onions, and tomatoes in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing. 

Slice the steak and then layer on top before consuming the entire confection, like you've never eaten a salad before, not like this one!

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